The Double Chin Dilemma
Having a double chin can be extremely frustrating. They can develop from excess weight; however, the layer of fat under our chin (submental fat) doesn’t always go away with weight loss–or have anything to do with weight in the first place!

While there is no specific answer to why submental fat occurs–it might be where your body chooses to store fat. The loosening of skin with age and a combination of other factors can also play a role.
Good diet and exercise regimens can facilitate fat loss overall, but your double chin may stick around for other reasons. At Salt Spa & Wellness Center, we are here to eliminate these troublesome areas with non-invasive and simple procedures such as Kybella®.
If you are looking for a non-surgical treatment to beat a double chin once and for all, Kybella® is the answer. Injected like filler into your problem areas, Kybella® uses powerful enzymes to break down excess fat over time and reveal a tighter chin.
Kybella® is very effective for dissolving submental fat. The process is simple and quick–you’ll see results before you know it.
Discover Submental Fat Treatments in Virginia Beach
If a double chin is weighing on your confidence, visit us at Salt Spa to find real results. Kybella® is one of the most effective treatments for eliminating submental fat without sacrificing your time. With no downtime, you’ll see stunning results for months to come.
For reservations, please give us a call at (757) 496-4937. Or request an appointment using our online portal.