
Salt Spa & Wellness Center offers more intensive skin treatments that use medical-grade techniques and products under the supervision of a licensed physician.

Virginia Beach Med Spa services at Salt Spa & Wellness Center include a broad spectrum of treatments with long-term benefits to help you look and feel your best.

Contact Salt Spa & Wellness Center, the Med Spa of Galardi I Bowen Plastic Surgery, to learn more about what treatment options are right for you!

Our Med Spa at Salt Spa & Wellness Center offers more intensive skin treatments that use medical-grade techniques and products under the supervision of a licensed physician.

Salt Spa office photos

Consider Med Spa Services in Virginia Beach for Cosmetic Enhancements

Incorporate Virginia Beach Med Spa services into your wellness routine to look and feel your very best. Call Salt Spa & Wellness Center today to learn more about how our experienced staff can help you achieve your goals.


Cozy living room

Request Appointment

Uncover your beauty and get the look you deserve here at Salt Spa & Wellness Center. We offer boutique aesthetic treatments in a relaxing environment to help you reconnect with your essence. Schedule today by filling out the form below or calling (757) 496-4937.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(757) 496-4937